What is the most famous doll in the world?Of course, the vast majority of people will tell you that it's Barbie.For more than fifty-year history of this doll was sold many millions of copies of this toy.But what attracts people to Barbie?Undoubtedly, the target audience are girls dolls, with different ages.That they hoped authors Barbie dolls, when in 1959 at the New York toy fair and products show their creation.Since then, the fair sex in love with this toy.In many ways, the success of Barbie because she works for a separate wardrobe of fashion items and accessories.Are on our site games Barbie dress can pick up a variety of outfits for a virtual doll.The main purpose of these games is to create a memorable, yet elegant image for Barbie.Barbie dress up games online, despite the overall theme may sometimes differ significantly from each other.For example, some of the games dedicated to the creation of virtual dolls everyday.Here he met a rather simple but beautiful clothes and shoes.But in life, because there are special cases.And choose the right outfit for a romantic date, or a hike to the party as far more difficult than to get dressed for going to the store.Probably every girl difficult to choose clothes for a walk in nature or for going to the concert.It is possible that games for girls dress up Barbie will help in these matters.Interestingly, in this orientation games Barbie image created from scratch.For example, a real Barbie doll is quite difficult to change the make-up, hair color.In the flash game you can do so without problems.Moreover, having understood the appearance dolls, you can spend hours choosing clothes from a huge wardrobe.There are all kinds of dresses, blouses, tunics, tops, shorts, skirts, pants, jackets, hats, scarves, jackets, coats and so on.And that's not all!One should also choose the right is a shoe that would fit together and to the point.And on accessories and do a brief write difficult, as their number and variety is staggering.We should talk about clothes for special occasions.Thus, in some flash games Barbie is in the status of the queen of the ball, pop stars, celebrities or top models.The whole gameplay is accompanied with a nice picture and sound.It should be noted that the results of their effort on the selection of a suitable image for Barbie dolls can be printed.Thus, in this section of our site you can find the most interesting games dedicated to the selection of the external appearance of the popular Barbie doll.